Velasquez Mufflers and Brakes
Call us: 1-317-328-2707
When it comes to safety, no part of your vehicle is more important than the brakes. They should be inspected at least once a year to determine the condition of the hydraulic system and operating hardware. While the entire braking system requires attention, the friction components (pads, shoes, rotors and drums) require constant attention because they wear down each time you apply your brakes.
Oil change recommendations vary based on driving conditions, year, make and model of vehicle and in some instances type of oil used. Motor oil is your vehicle’s life blood and changing it according to the manufacturer’s schedule and your type of driving conditions is critical for long engine component life. In addition, oil changes are necessary to maintain your vehicle’s new or extended warranty. The most common recommendations are:
3,000 miles/3 months
5,000 miles/5 months
10,000 miles/12 months
As indicated by oil change alert system
The steering and suspension system is necessary for proper vehicle stability, control, and safe handling. Steering and suspension components, such as ball joints, tie rod ends, control arm bushings, struts and stabilizer links, just to name a few, are constantly subjected to continued stress caused by today’s harsh road conditions. Having these components inspected regularly and replaced as needed assures your vehicle continues to operate safely and reliably.

Velasquez Mufflers and Brakes offers a wide variety of auto services to keep your vehicle running smoothly, but we specialize in expert muffler service, performance exhaust, brakes, and much, much more!